KWCA Scoops Best Conservation Supporter Award AFRICAN CONSERVATION AWARDS KWCA won the best award in the Conservation Supporter category for its work in supporting the establishment of the Association of Wildlife Conservancy Rangers in Kenya. Amidst COVID-19 situation, Community Conservation Must Continue. TOURISM HIT HARD Without the frontline work of community rangers,
human-wildlife conflict, poaching and illegal trade in wildlife
and wildlife products will intensify.

We are working with landowners and communities to sustainably conserve and manage wildlife and their habitat outside state-protected areas.

Our Core Areas


Policy Advocacy

Providing a platform through which communities can advocate for better conservancy laws and incentives.


Networking & Communication

Bringing together conservancies throughout the country to learn, collaborate and influence regional and national change.


Capacity Building

Providing our members with tools, resources and linkages to better their conservancy management and service delivery.

Status of Conservancies in Kenya

When people are willing stewards, wildlife flourishes

Kenya has lost nearly 70% of its wildlife during the past thirty years.

Loss of space and connectivity is threatening Kenya’s wildlife heritage, its multi-billion dollar tourism industry and the livelihoods for rural communities. This is exacerbated by the increasing development pressures and impacts of climate change.

Wildlife conservancies offer hope. Today, conservancies in Kenya cover more than 6.35 million hectares, directly impact the lives of 930,000 households and secure the 65% of the country’s wildlife that is found outside national parks and reserves.

Conservancies are not only providing a public service by protecting and conserving majority of the wildlife in the country but also enhancing livelihoods.

It is for this reason that at KWCA, we are continuously fostering an environment that enables conservancies to unite and thrive and in so doing, protect the country’s rich wildlife while increasing conservation benefits in the communities.

Hectares of Land
Conservancy Rangers

News & Highlights

Latest From KWCA and the World of Wildlife Conservation in Kenya

For the Love of Wildlife 

Locally Led Adaptation: How Mr. Olbucket is adapting to Climate Change Impacts

Policy Update: Call for Memoranda on the Natural Resources (Benefit Sharing) Bill No. 6 of 2022

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The 3rd annual Conservancy Leaders Conference was held on 27th February 2018 in Nairobi under the theme “Scaling up Conservancy Gains for Sustainable Wildlife Conservation.” The conference brought together over 120 conservancy leaders drawn from 28 counties to network, share and learn lessons on respective conservancies experiences. Conservancy leaders play a key role in promoting wildlife conservation as a form of land use in community and private lands.